


Author Aija Monique Butler, was born in San Diego California, in 1979. She currently resides in the San Francisco Bay area where she is a student of Medicine pursing a graduate degree in Healthcare Management. She is an Advocate and Philanthropist for non-profit program development in the areas of Youth and Social Service Development. She is a grant writer and holds an extensive background in Psychology and has a host of medical certifications. Aija has a love for the arts and is a writer of poetry both fiction and non-fiction novels and memoirs.

Aija Butler is the Author of the Fiction Mystery Suspense Drama, My Nemesis a book series, Non-Fiction Memoirs, “Life Honestly After, The Undeniable Truth,” and “The Rebirth of My Soul,” an intimidate look at her walk with illness, sharing her journey through recovery and independence. She is also the Poet/Songstress of the Poetic Experience, My Butterfly Effect, and Non-Fiction Poetic Memoirs, In the Mourning.

Latest works involve freelance article writing,and an album of musical and poetic memoirs. Aija also looks to put together her first script and plans to release three new books in the year 2012. Look out for this creative genious she is taking on the world of creative arts by storm.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lovejoy's Word's on Parenting Jr. Is hitting again...Can someone get him Please? Stop LJ... Stop...

Lj is a feisty one. He enjoys ruff housing with his fellow brethren. Sadly, other children that cross his path become intimidated Little Jeffrey’s advances.

                Lj, is an active sport, highly intelligent, and enjoys mimicking words and actions. He is a very impressionable 23 month old boy. He is a risk taker. He is excited about his new found ability to jump, run, and swing on dangerously loose items without fear. Little Jeffrey Jr. takes pride in launching large, sharp, and heavy objects at persons both young and old. His two favorite words are NO and MINE.

                As we speak young Jeffrey Jr. has taken an interest in my journal entry and smeared Oreo cookie cream all over my gel pen words, while Baby Jordan contributes a bit of drool.

                Active as can be their brains are growing at an enormous rate and it is very important to embrace their interests and creativity; positive or negative. We must turn the negative into the positive.

                Although young Jeffrey’s hitting becomes a bit of a task, there is a very important lesson to be learned. Parents should cease from saying the word, “Stop,” Stop hitting, stop running, stop this or that. Hitting at this stage is his form of playful activity. Young Lj is simply expressing his sense of sociability. He needs to be taught how to play well with others, share, and communicate.

                Also Parents keep in mind the act of hitting is learned. If you hit them, they will hit others. Encouraging healthy, playful activity with others is highly recommended.

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